
Cameron Welch

Cameron Welch is Capital Daily's Newsletter Editor. He is based in Victoria, speaks English, and is a generalist reporter. Cameron is a writer, editor, designer, and community researcher raised in the Okanagan. His coverage has ranged from the Toronto Raptors' training camp to neighbourhood retaining-wall disputes. He has won a John H. MacDonald award as an investigative editor and has been nominated for one as a graphic designer. His hobbies include dancing, dressing, karaoke, computer time, winning at fantasy basketball, and losing at actual basketball. You can reach Cameron at

Latest News

Will this month’s clock change be BC’s last?

By Cameron Welch
Mar 19, 2023

That all depends on the US, as BC's promised permanent DST waits in limbo after nearly four years


Women recorded in Saanich grocery bathroom get class-action certification

By Cameron Welch
Mar 16, 2023

Convicted former staffer and Red Barn workplace will face suit from multiple victims

Latest News

Saanich moves to lower limits on 9 roadways

By Cameron Welch
Mar 15, 2023

Key corridors would drop to 40km/h due to findings of safety studies


101-year-old Sidney-Anacortes ferry will not return until 2030

By Cameron Welch
Mar 1, 2023

Century-old international route is not expected to resume service for seven years

Latest News

Duncan Train Station wins national restoration funding competition

By Cameron Welch
Feb 23, 2023

Runaway success in The Next Great Save will provide $50,000 for museum fix-ups


Our stories about Island families

By Cameron Welch
Feb 20, 2023

Stories of Islanders living with, loving, and remembering their family members


Cracking building puts an end to Carlton Club, one of Victoria’s rare all-ages venues

By Cameron Welch
Feb 12, 2023

A project that was started to counter the decline of accessible Victoria venues becomes another example of it