Capital Daily is Victoria’s home for longform, analytical, investigative and explanatory journalism. Victoria is a city with a high saturation in daily news, from television and radio stations to daily and weekly newspapers and online outlets. But many are not given the time and space to pursue stories that go beyond the daily developments. That’s why we’re launching our Capital Daily Membership program. A chance for you to engage with our team and help us grow and continue to provide thoughtful, smart stories!
At Capital Daily, the connection to our community is at the heart of every story we tell. With a membership, but you’ll be helping to bring local-first community news to your neighbourhood.
Your membership means our in-depth journalism can remain free for everyone regardless of whether they can afford it. It means we can send reporters out to dig into the stories other media don't have the time to dig into.
This year alone, we were able to launch two new community news experiences with The Westshore, our newsletter focused on Canada’s fastest growing region, and The Good News(letter), a weekly roundup of good news from the community.
With your support, we can continue to grow and provide even more hyper-local journalism that goes beyond the headlines to cover the spaces, faces, and stories that matter to your community.
Membership is $99/year. When you break it down that is only $8.25/month, the cost of a coffee and a muffin, to support local journalism in your community.