

Cruise ships could face heftier CRD waste fees in 2024

Hanna Hett
June 16, 2022

Environmental committee passes recommendation to increase cruise ship fees by up to $343 per tonne


Land acquisition in the CRD is about green space and the 'green' it accrues

Park purpose service is the focus of the CRD’s purchase of the former Royal Oak Golf Course. Consider it as much an environmental decision as a portfolio management one, for now.


It’s a new season of whale song on the West Coast

A new project lets you listen in on whales' noises--but those whales may be overwhelmed from hearing all of our noises


Bamberton Quarry expansion won’t receive an environmental assessment after all

MLA and citizen group say alternate process won't be thorough enough


#NoMowMay won’t save Island ecosystems—plant camas instead

Robyn Bell
May 23, 2023

Experts urge people to rethink how they can support wildlife at home