“So rather than when a club closes down at 2am and you have 600 people pour out onto the street and they just kind of mill about, the late-night venues are actually intended to give them something to do." Coun. Matt Dell.
“It's hard to put in words to think that anybody could be that disengaged from who we are as humans that they could even think to do this,” VG4A co-coordinator Gillian Scadeng.
Chretien grabbed Clennett with two hands on the face and wrested control of his body, neutralizing him before the RCMP jumped in and pushed the protester to the ground.
“Every person in BC deserves to know basic life-saving skills, and the best way to do this is through schools." — Caroline McIntyre, mother of Sidney McIntyre-Starko
“Right now, we're seeing the numbers are just so challenging, so getting those funds in place through Coldest Night is really crucial,” Rachel Hesketh, Our Place Society.