Based on facts either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

Capital Daily's Fairy Creek coverage, so far

We've been covering the old-growth blockades for months. Here's everything we've reported to date

Based on facts either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

Capital Daily's Fairy Creek coverage, so far

We've been covering the old-growth blockades for months. Here's everything we've reported to date

Based on facts either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

Capital Daily's Fairy Creek coverage, so far

We've been covering the old-growth blockades for months. Here's everything we've reported to date

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Capital Daily's Fairy Creek coverage, so far

For over a year, forest activists have been camping out and blockading roads outside Port Renfrew in an attempt to stop planned logging in and around Fairy Creek, one of the largest unlogged sections of old-growth forest on Vancouver Island.

But a lot has changed since the first activists arrived in August 2020. A court injunction against the blockaders has passed, expired, and then extended, arrests have been made, and tensions continue to rise. The issue has been thrust into the public conversation and become about much more than one watershed; some are seeing this fight as a proxy for old-growth logging and the future of forestry on Vancouver Island.

Capital Daily has sent reporters and photographers out to the blockades over the past nine months to capture all sides of the issue. Here is a full list of our multi-platform coverage so far. And if you want to see more of this work, consider becoming a member.

February 5, 2022

Fairy Creek lawyers asking BC court to throw out charges based on RCMP conduct

Lawyers to submit evidence of assault, unnecessary use of force, sexual harassment, intimidation and more in fight to have charges dropped

January 27, 2022

Podcast: Judges Extend Injunction at Fairy Creek. What Now?

The BC Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of extending the injunction filed by Teal Jones Ltd. against protestors at Fairy Creek, arguing that the previous court ruling, issued by Justice Thompson in September 2021, was lacking. We look into what this means for the ongoing protests at Fairy Creek and where the legal battle goes from here.

January 27, 2022

Fairy Creek injunction is back in place by order of the BC appeal court

The original injunction expired in October, but a temporary injunction has been active since

December 2, 2021

Podcast: Some of BC's Possible Old-Growth Deferrals Have Already Been Logged

On Wednesday, the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs held a press conference to air their concerns with the deferral deadlines given to First Nations by the province. They say they are upset about the lack of support from the government this the announcement and that they were given consent for deferrals but not logging in their territories. UBCIC President Grand Chief Stewart Phillip joins to discuss. We also speak with Torrance Coste from the Wilderness Committee over their new updated mapping that better reflects the state of logging in these deferral areas.

November 25, 2021

Despite promised reforms, Fairy Creek is far from over

Deferrals and changes to logging legislation is coming. But the activists aren’t leaving

November 17, 2021

The RCMP spent $3.75 million in five months of enforcement at Fairy Creek

A document obtained by Capital Daily breaks details some of the costs of enforcing the injunction

November 3, 2021

Podcast: Here's What the New Deferrals Mean for BC's Old Growth

Tuesday, the provincial government announced new deferrals and actions for old-growth forests. We have Torrance Coste from the Wilderness Committee break down what the announcement entails, and Robert J. Dennis, Sr., Elected Chief Councillor for the Huu-ay-ah First Nations to hear his thoughts on the inclusion of First Nations.

November 1, 2021

Podcast: Catching the RCMP in a Lie Over Pepper Spray at Fairy Creek

A joint investigation between Capital Daily and Ricochet Media has found the RCMP account of an August pepper spray incident was full of inaccuracies. We bring you the real story from that day, and explain how our investigation led us here.

November 1, 2021

INVESTIGATION: RCMP misled public about pepper spray incident at Fairy Creek

The RCMP said they had to pepper spray a crowd to evacuate an injured officer. An exhaustive review of the available evidence shows that was not true

October 19, 2021

Podcast: Examining Relationships at Fairy Creek as Blockaders Brace For Enforcement

We take a trip up to the Fairy Creek blockades in the pause between periods of injunction enforcement. We break down the back-and-forth in the BC Supreme Court over the injunction granted to Teal-Jones, and hear from long-haul blockaders about their relationship with the RCMP and clashes with loggers.

September 28, 2021

Injunction against Fairy Creek protesters expires without extension, due to RCMP conduct

Justice Thompson ruled Tuesday afternoon that the RCMP's enforcement of the injunction was harming the court's reputation

September 16, 2021

Could Fairy Creek change court precedent?

Lawyers for the blockaders want public interest to be considered in judge's decision over injunction

September 15, 2021

Podcast: Expiring Injunction Prompts a Legal Battle for Fairy Creek

As the injunction at Fairy Creek is set to expire, a series of legal battles from all sides ensues at the BC Supreme Court. We walk you through what's happening, and bring you an update on a RCMP pepper spray incident.

August 31, 2021

Podcast: What Candidates Would Do On Fairy Creek

We give you a summary of each of the four major parties’ proposed policies related to old-growth logging and Fairy Creek. We also bring you a previous conversation we had with a policy expert about old-growth policy that would benefit both the environment and industry.

August 24, 2021

Podcast: Violence At Fairy Creek

Tensions between protesters and RCMP at the Fairy Creek blockades have reached new heights. Video footage of police officers discharging pepper spray into a crowd of protesters sparked a wave of protests at RCMP detachments across the Island. We hear from land defenders and the RCMP about the incidents, and speak with Green MLA Sonia Furstenau about what the province could do to change the course, and the arena, of this fight.

August 10, 2021

Podcast: The Eventful First Anniversary of the Fairy Creek Blockades

The blockades set up in and around Fairy Creek have officially been active for a year. Yesterday’s anniversary began with a morning RCMP raid at the camp headquarters and ended with speakers and live music in front of the BC Legislature. We look back on the year that was with the 17-year-old teenager from Washington that brought attention to Fairy Creek last summer.

July 20, 2021

BC judge rules media has a right to access the Fairy Creek blockades

Capital Daily is part of a coalition of media partners that took the RCMP to court to ensure right to access

July 4, 2021

Meet the endangered bird that nests high above Fairy Creek

Marbled murrelets stand as an indictment of BC’s lack of action to protect species at risk

June 16, 2021

NFTs to save trees: viral photos of old-growth log for sale to support Fairy Creek blockades

NFTs have been criticized for their environmental impact, but some say their fundraising potential could outweigh the harm

June 8, 2021

Podcast: Why the Huu-ay-aht, Pacheedaht, Ditidaht First Nations Are Calling For Deferrals

We speak to Huu-ay-aht Chief Councillor Robert J. Dennis Sr. about the decision behind the three nations’ joint call for logging deferrals on their land. We also look into what areas will be affected and how this could impact the Fairy Creek Blockades.

June 3, 2021

Podcast: What the “War in the Woods” Can Tell Us About Fairy Creek

We look back at the protests in Clayoquot Sound to see what we can learn about how the Fairy Creek blockades could end and how big this movement could grow.

June 2, 2021

Podcast: How the New NDP Policy Intentions for Forestry Impact Old-Growth

We speak to Grand Chief Stewart Phillip from the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs and Torrance Coste, the National Campaign Director of Wilderness Committee to get reaction on the B.C. government’s new forestry policy intentions and how they impact old growth.  

May 26, 2021

Podcast: The Policy Argument For Old Growth

With tensions rising between protestors and loggers, we analyze the policy that could be the answer for all parties involved.

May 26, 2021

Independent media outlets filing legal challenge over RCMP obstruction

Capital Daily is joining with a coalition of outlets and the Canadian Association of Journalists to demand the freedom to cover protests

May 20, 2021

Podcast: RCMP Limit Media Access To Caycuse Blockade

RCMP has begun enforcing the injunction at Fairy Creek Blockader's Caycuse location, but media access has been limited. After being rejected access Monday, we went to the blockade on a guided RCMP media tour to find out what's going on.

May 19, 2021

What the Caycuse blockade looks like on the ground as RCMP begin arrests

Seven protesters were arrested on Tuesday as RCMP begin to enforce an injunction to clear the way for logging companies

May 18, 2021

Province co-ordinated with Pacheedaht over Fairy Creek statement, according to emails

Emails obtained by Capital Daily detail co-ordination. At the time, the province denied working with the First Nation

May 12, 2021

Podcast: Everything That Has Happened With The Fairy Creek Blockades Since The Injunction

We break down everything that has happened since the injunction was granted to the Teal Jones Group, including an appeal, charges laid, and an aggressive confrontation by loggers. We also speak with a council member of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation about the events and their relationships with all the involved parties.

May 5, 2021

Video shows confrontation at Fairy Creek blockades, signalling an escalation as first charges laid

In a video shared by the Rainforest Flying Squad, a group of 10 loggers confronts a group of blockaders. It wasn't the first or only such confrontation as the blockade continues

April 24, 2021

Divide-and-conquer, old growth, and hereditary leadership: inside the Indigenous takes on the Fairy Creek blockades

Pacheedaht First Nation expresses disapproval for Fairy Creek blockades—while Elder Bill Jones continues to support them

April 10, 2021

Blockaders at Fairy Creek describe their experience

New waves of blockaders are arriving; activists say the injunction brought them out

April 9, 2021

The Fairy Creek blockade, explained from the ground

Despite an injunction, the Fairy Creek blockade swells with supporters

April 9, 2021

Podcast: Our Experience at the Fairy Creek Blockades

Today, Jackie Lamport and Emily Vance  discuss their experience heading down to and camping overnight at the Fairy Creek blockades.

April 8, 2021

Podcast: Solutions to Protecting B.C.'s Old Growth

Yesterday we looked at the front-line fighters. Today we look at what they're fighting for. We learn about solutions to protect old-growth that also protects the economic stability for all parties involve.

April 7, 2021

Podcast: Life at the Fairy Creek Blockades

We spend the night at the Fairy Creek Blockades to learn about life at the blockade, and what protestors plan on doing now that the injunction has been passed. We also dig into the complex backstory of the situation and forest activism on Vancouver Island.

March 30, 2021

Captain Painfully Obvious is doing whatever he can

With activists blockading Fairy Creek, Doug Prentice is trying to do his part

March 4th 2021

Podcast: Fairy Creek Blockaders Granted Three Week Extension on Injunction

After today's episode aired, we went down to the courthouse in Victoria where protesters were rallying against the injunction. Here's the latest.

March 4, 2021

Podcast: The Injunction Case Against The Fairy Creek Blockades

Today the injunction filed by the Teal Jones Group against the Fairy Creek blockades makes it to court. As we await the result, we take you back to the beginning of the story and explain why the fight to stop the company from logging the Indigenous land is so important.

Jan. 31, 2021

Logging change: old-growth harvesting has deep roots on Vancouver Island, but how long can it last?

Logging-dependent communities are facing an existential threat from what conservationists and First Nations say is an overdue change to forestry practices

Nov. 6, 2020

Capital Daily visited the Fairy Creek encampment. Here’s what we found

For two months, a 24-hour blockade has been attempting to stop planned logging of a stand of old-growth near Port Renfrew

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