

Could Fairy Creek change court precedent?

By Zoë Ducklow
September 16, 2021

Lawyers for the blockaders want public interest to be considered in judge's decision over injunction


Opinion: Trees make a city cool

By Sandra B. Julian
July 24, 2021

Sandra Julian argues that densification and the benefits of trees are incompatible


BC judge rules media has a right to access the Fairy Creek blockades

By Jimmy Thomson
July 20, 2021

Capital Daily is part of a coalition of media partners that took the RCMP to court to ensure right to access


Capital Daily's Fairy Creek coverage, so far

We've been covering the old-growth blockades for months. Here's everything we've reported to date


Meet the endangered bird that nests high above Fairy Creek

By Andrew Findlay
July 4, 2021

Marbled murrelets stand as an indictment of BC’s lack of action to protect species at risk


Inside Victoria's recycling system

Where your stuff goes from the bin onwards, in photos


NFTs to save trees: viral photos of old-growth log for sale to support Fairy Creek blockades

By Brishti Basu
June 16, 2021

NFTs have been criticized for their environmental impact, but some say their fundraising potential could outweigh the harm


Bikes, bears, and biologists: can mountain biking coexist with nature?

By Kathryn Helmore
June 7, 2021

The growth of mountain biking on the South Island is raising fundamental questions about the nature of parks