“We do believe under the terms of our user group agreement that this is not allowable,” HarbourCats managing partner Jim Swanson said.
XTSLS is the latest organization working to fund the return of Saltwater Salish lands, which were never given up by their original owners.
Results of a VicPD survey suggest Victorians are feeling progressively less safe downtown—both day and night—than in the past.
Mishelle Lavoie's passion project Capital M will participate in the festival for the second time
“The most realistic outcome of this motion is that city staff work with private developers to get additional public parking in new developments," said Coun. Matt Dell.
The Christmas Hill Garry oak ecosystem is acknowledged as rare and irreplaceable
Councillors say the capital city has borne the burden of intersecting crises
The nurses are working on a curriculum for an Indigenous nursing graduate program at UVic
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